When we talk about Greek Salads, everyone always first thinks of the famous Greek Salad,
Greek Salad,
chunks of tomatoes and cucumber, slices of red onion and sometimes capsicum, tossed with an olive oil dressing and topped with olives and lots of sparkling white feta cheese. Even within Greece, this is the most popular salad served, especially at Tavernas, where the Horiatiki Salata - which literally means Country Salad, is on every menu.

But I have to say, there are so many more salad dishes served in Greece than just this one famous dish. Greeks always eat the freshest food that is in season, and at every meal, they will have a plate of cold raw vegetables of one dish or another served for every one to help themselves too. A meal is not complete without a salad accompanying it, even if its roast! Even a baked vegetable dish such as Briami - Roasted Vegetables
Briami - Roasted Vegetables
would have a simple salad served along with it. Salads being served can be simple affairs, such as the Lettuce Salad or more elaborate, elegant meals, such as the Watermelon and Feta Salad. The health benefits of having a quantity of raw vegetables every day have been proven, and it is one of the factors that make up the Mediterranean diet.
Click here to see more Salads on our Greek Salad Recipe page!
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